22-10-24 英语中的被动语态使用频率很高,很多句子可以从主动语态变为被动语态。你知道主动句和被动句之间转换的规则吗? 1. What is the correct passive transformation of this active sentence? Scientists have discovered a new species of fish at the bottom of the oce...
22-10-24 英语里许多单词稍有变化就能改变其词性,构成一个新词。比如 :动词decide 做决定 可以变成名词decision 决定 。这些构词方式的规律你掌握了吗? 1. Which word is correct in the following sentence? I use a dictionary to look up the _________ of new words. a)...
21-10-19 1. The sentence shall I compare thee to a summers day? is the beginning line of one of Shakespeares_____. A comedies B tragedies C sonnets D histories 2. The three dialects spoken by____ _____and _____mixed into a single language called Anglo-Saxon,...
20-12-06 1. Complete the sentence so it expresses obligation. You _______ attend the meeting scheduled for midday in the Great Hall. a) would b) may be c) can d) have to 2. Complete the sentence so it expresses necessity. You _______ apply for your visa at t...
18-08-24 A South Korean appeals court on Friday raised the sentencing of ousted President Park Geun-hye to 25 years in prison on corruption charges, including bribery that led to her impeachment. 韩国一家上诉法院周五将被罢黜总统朴槿惠的刑期提高到25年,朴槿惠...
16-08-04 Reasonable Doubt 合理怀疑 Their approach is to whittle away at the evidence to show reasonable doubt. 他们的做法是要削弱证据的说服力以提出合理的质疑。 Search warrant 搜查令 Officers armed with a search warrant entered the flat. 警察们持搜查证进入了...
14-04-28 Prosecuting organs have investigated 24 people allegedly involved in reduced prison sentence and early release of Zhang Hai, former board chairman of Jianlibao Group Co. Ltd., the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) said on Monday. 最高人民检察院周...
11-04-03 A serial killer responsible for at least 28 deaths in the southern African state of Swaziland has been sentenced to death by hanging. 非洲东南部国家斯威士兰一个至少杀害28人的连环杀人犯将被处以绞刑。 Simelane is to appeal against the verdict and the...
10-01-18 Ali Hassan al-Majid, a former Iraqi official known as Chemical Ali, has been sentenced to death for ordering the gassing of Kurds. 阿里哈桑马基德,伊拉克前政府官员,绰号化学阿里,因下令对库尔德人释放毒气而被判死刑。 Majid served as Saddam Hussein's...
09-08-26 US singer Chris Brown has been sentenced to 180 days' community labour and five years' probation for assaulting pop star Rihanna. 美国歌手Chris Brown因攻击歌星Rihanna被判刑180天社区劳动和5年缓刑。 Brown says that he has repeatedly apologised to Riha...