• 《超能陆战队》第26章

    23-01-29 Baymax and Hiro dodged debris as they flew through the swirling portal at high speed. Look out! Hiro called when a huge chunk of cement whistled by them. I have located the patient. Baymaxs sensor was picking up stronger life readings the deeper the...

  • 《超能陆战队》第23章

    23-01-29 Back at his garage, Hiro burst in with Baymax behind him. He sat down at his computer and accessed Baymaxs super sensor. This enabled him to make code changes directly into Baymax. Baymax stared at Hiro. Hiros eyebrows were furrowed as he concentrat...

  • 振动手套帮助盲人“看见”周围环境

    15-03-08 Vibrating gloves will soon replace the white cane to help blind people 'see' their surroundings. 不久的将来,振动手套将取代盲杖帮助盲人看见周围的环境。 This is the prediction of a British team who has developed a prototype glove, dubbed SenSei, that...

  • 新型传感器让人类拥有探测磁场的能力

    15-02-23 Researchers have unveiled a new type of sensor that could give humans the ability to detect magnetic fields. 研究人员日前发布了一款新型传感器,可让人类拥有探测磁场的能力。 It works in the same way as bacteria, insects and even vertebrates like birds...

  • 利用碳纳米管制作力传感器

    14-07-01 A group of researchers from Russia, Belarus and Spain, including MIPT professor Yury Lozovik, have developed a microscopic force sensor based on carbon nanotubes. The device is described in an article published in the journal Computational Materials...

  • 眼球内可植入传感器监测眼睛健康

    14-06-17 Your eye could someday house its own high-tech information center, tracking important changes and letting you know when it's time to see an eye doctor. University of Washington engineers have designed a low-power sensor that could be placed permanen...

  • 新式冲击传感器为运动员提供详细运动信息

    10-05-16 As athletes strive for perfection, sports scientists need to exploit every technological advance to help them achieve that goal. Researchers in New Zealand have now developed a new type of wearable impact sensor based that can provide much needed in...

  • 麻省理工学院发明细胞新测量系统

    10-04-12 Using a sensor that weighs cells with unprecedented(空前的) precision, MIT and Harvard researchers have measured the rate at which single cells accumulate(积攒,累积) mass a feat(功绩,壮举) that could shed light on how cells control their gro...
