• 双鱼座 Pisces

    22-05-26 compassionate 有同情心 adaptable 适应力强 devoted 深情、忠诚的 indecisive 优柔寡断 malleable 易受人影响 imaginative 想象力丰富的 sensitive 敏感的 intuitive 直觉力强的...

  • emotional,sentimental,sensitive

    22-02-23 这三个词都和一个人的感受有关,但它们并不完全一样。下面,我们来主要讲一讲在形容人的时候,它们有哪些区别。 先来看 emotional。形容词 emotional 的第一个意思是 情绪上的,情感、精神层面的。比如:emotional support(情感支持)、emotional intelligence(情商...

  • sensible、sensitive、sensing和sensibly

    20-12-05 1. My sister loves her job caring for old people. Shes really _______ their needs. a) sensitive to b) sensible to c) sensing to d) sensibly to 2. My new car is really _______. It doesnt cost much to run it for the whole week. a) economy b) economic...

  • Firms 'mishandle sensitive data' 调查:公司对待敏感资料处理

    09-10-13 About a third of UK employees throw sensitive documents in the bin instead of shredding them, research suggests. 调查显示,英国近三分之一的雇员随手将有敏感信息的文件扔入废纸篓而非用碎纸机粉碎。 Shredding paper containing sensitive information can he...

  • Sensitivity to aspartame probed 阿斯巴特过敏性调查展开

    09-09-26 Scientists are to assess whether the artificial sweetener aspartame causes health problems in people unusually sensitive to it. 科学家正在评估人工甜味剂阿斯巴特是否会引起对此异常敏感的人的健康问题。 Aspartame is widely used in many food products Exp...
