• have a burning sensation 有火烧火燎的不适感

    21-04-13 有时,人们在运动后,肌肉会有一种烧灼的感觉;当眼睛里不慎进入刺激性异物时,也会感觉到火辣辣的疼痛 搭配 a burning sensation 表示身体某个部位有 烧灼感。在形容这类症状时,应使用动词 have 或动词搭配 have got,即 have (got) a burning sensation 有火烧火燎...

  • 情绪可以用图谱描绘

    14-01-05 Chests puffing up with pride -- and happiness felt head to toe -- are sensations as real as they are universal. And now we can make an atlas of them. 骄傲感会充满胸膛,幸福感会从头顶灌倒脚底,这种真实的感觉所有人都有体会。而现在我们可以用图谱描绘它...
