• haggle over every ounce 斤斤计较

    21-02-07 斤斤计较,汉语成语,意思是对无关紧要的事过分计较(be too particular about trifles),形容人气量...

  • 为什么他被我拒绝后就离开了?

    20-12-15 I just met this guy, he said he really likes me and wants to date me. I told him I dont have any special feeling for him yet, and it is too fast. 我只是和他刚认识,他就说他真的很喜欢我,想和我交往。我说我对他并没有什么特殊的感觉,而且这进展太快了。...

  • 进化会惩罚自私与卑鄙

    13-08-05 Two Michigan State University evolutionary biologists offer new evidence that evolution doesn't favor the selfish, disproving a theory popularized in 2012. We found evolution will punish you if you're selfish and mean, said lead author Christoph Ada...

  • bend the law for selfish ends 徇私枉法

    13-03-18 Wang Lijun, Chongqing's former vice-mayor and police chief, has been charged with bending the law for selfish ends , defection, abuse of power and bribe-taking by the Chengdu City People's Procuratorate. 重庆市原副市长、公安局原局长王立军涉嫌徇私枉...

  • 《泰坦尼克号》三

    13-01-29 精彩对白 Waiter: Coffee, sir? Cal: I had hoped you would come to me last night. Rose: I was tired. Cal: Your exertions below decks were, no doubt, exhausting. Rose: I see you had that undertaker of a manservant follow me. How typical. Cal: You will...

  • 自私自利似乎有利于事业发展

    11-10-16 It's not likely to win you any popularity contests, but it seems being selfish at work can be good for your career. 自私自利也许不能让你受到众人的欢迎,但在职场中似乎自私一些对你的事业发展有好处。 New research has found that those with more selfless...

  • 研究:富人更自私

    11-08-21 A new study has revealed the wealthy are unlikely to be bothered about those who are struggling to make ends meet. 一项新研究揭示,富人们一般不会关心那些辛辛苦苦地量入为出的穷人。 According to psychologist and social scientist Dacher Keltner the ric...

  • Don't be selfish 别太自私

    10-02-24 Don't be selfish A mother is admonishing her son. Now, John, don't be selfish. Let your little brother share the bicycle with you. But Mother, I do. I ride it down the hill, and he rides it up the hill. 别太自私 一位母亲在劝告她的儿子。 听着,约翰,...
