• 5种富含褪黑素的食物

    22-08-29 Nuts: Walnut seeds were found to have high amounts of melatonin, and the hormone is present in other nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds and pistachios, according to a January 2022 study published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analy...

  • problems related to seeds and farmlands 种子和耕地问题

    20-12-22 12月18日闭幕的中央经济工作会议部署了明年经济领域重点任务,解决好种子和耕地问题被列为其中之一。会议强调,要加强种质资源保护和利用,加强种子库建设,坚决遏制耕地非农化、防止非粮化,更好保障国家粮食安全。 China will strive to tackle problems related to...

  • floating fluffy 飞絮

    17-05-07 The Beijing authorities have vowed to take action on the floating fluffy tree seeds that irritate capital residents every spring, ending the problem by 2020. 北京市有关部门表示要采取行动治理每年春天都困扰首都居民的飞絮,到2020年彻底解决该问题。 Beij...