• 《冰雪奇缘》第14章

    23-01-29 Anna cautiously entered Elsas palace. She found herself in a huge room with an impressive winding staircase leading to a second floor. The palace was gorgeous, but it was absolutely still and eerily quiet. Elsa? Anna called nervously. Its me, Anna....

  • This sucks. 烂透了!

    22-05-07 This sucks. 烂透了! I second that. 我同意。 Notes: suck在这里表示恶心,很糟糕,second除了表示第二的,还可以做动词表示支持,赞成。 例如: This movie sucks! 这部电影烂透了! All of them second my view. 他们所有人都支持我的观点。...

  • readiness is all 有备无患

    22-04-02 有备无患,汉语成语,字面意思是where there is precaution, there is no danger,表示事先有准备,就可以避免祸患。可以翻译为readiness is all,have a second string to ones bow等。 例句: 你最好带把伞,有备无患。 Youd better take an umbrella just in case....

  • second banana 老二

    22-01-07 按字面意思翻译是第二个香蕉,要是这样翻译就错了。Second banana是一个俚语短语,表示1.在戏剧中,(喜剧表演中配合主角的)第二喜剧演员,配角,次要角色,2.次要人物,3.副手,第二把手。说的简单点就是老二。 He just is a second banana in that burlesque. 他只不...

  • have second thoughts 转念一想,再一想

    21-09-10 如果你对某件事情 have second thoughts,就表示你 不确定之前的想法是否正确,或经过重新考虑而改变主意。注意,它和 on second thoughts 的意思有点不一样,后者一般用来表示你想更改刚刚做出的决定,并引出新的想法,意思是 转念一想,再一想。 例句 I was going to...