• 一颗勇敢的心

    20-09-18 As the train picked up its speed, the passengers slowly settled down on their seats. 火车开始缓缓加速,乘客们挨个儿在座位上坐定。 I reserved the lower berth , so that I could enjoy the beauty of out side from the moving train. 我预购了下铺的车票,如...

  • 马德里公交将禁止“大爷式占座”

    17-06-16 Madrids transport authorities are taking a stand against seated male selfishness with a campaign to tackle the social scourge that is manspreading. 马德里市交通部门对男士就坐时的自私表现采取了反对立场,发起治理大爷式占座这一社会不文明行为的运动。 Fe...

  • 宝马因安全座椅问题召回11.9万辆汽车

    16-06-22 German car producer BMW recalls on Tuesday 119,000 cars of X3 and X4 models, after problems with the Isofix anchorage for child safety seats were found. 德国汽车制造商宝马周二宣布召回119000辆X3和X4车型,这两种车型的儿童安全座椅固定装置存在问题。 The...

  • 韩国地铁为孕妇专座装粉色警示灯

    16-06-17 Before they show a baby bump, some pregnant women in South Korea can expect accusing glares when they take subway seats meant for pregnant, disabled or elderly passengers. 在韩国,尚未显怀的孕妇在地铁如果坐弱势人群关怀座位,总会遭到白眼。 One South...

  • 中国将对儿童汽车座椅实行强制认证

    15-05-26 New regulations have been announced connected to car seats for children. 中国将对儿童汽车座椅出台新规则。 The new rules, which become active on September 1st, will ban the sale of child safety seats which don't have the China Compulsory Certificatio...

  • 五个国家加入联合国安理会

    14-10-17 Venezuela, New Zealand, Malaysia, Angola and Spain have been elected to non-permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council. 委内瑞拉、新西兰、马来西亚、安哥拉还有西班牙获得联合国非常任理事国席位。 The countries will hold the non-veto seats f...

  • 奥运安保下班后充当“群众演员”

    12-08-04 伦敦奥运会开幕以来,不少体育比赛场馆都出现了不同程度的空座现象。为此,伦敦奥组委不得不抽调参加安保工作的士兵在轮休期间到各场馆填空座。 Empty seats in the North Greenwich Arena for the women\s qualifying heats. Soldiers have been drafted in to fill e...

  • 英国青少年坐公交必须给老人让座

    12-03-31 Teenagers will be told to 'stand up for their elders' on public transport or risk losing their right to free travel. 英国伦敦近日出台新规,要求青少年乘坐公共交通时主动给老人让座,否则会失去免费乘坐公交车的待遇。 London Mayor Boris Johnson will unvei...

  • To be on the Safe Side 保证没走错

    12-01-10 In a cinema during a performance one of the audience gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer(门厅,大厅) . A few minutes later he returns and asks the man sitting at the head of the row: Excuse me, was it your foo...

  • A Gentle Reminder 委婉提醒

    11-06-19 Having been married a long time, my husband sometimes needs a gentle reminder of a special occasion. On the morning of our 35th anniversary, we were sitting at the breakfast table when I hinted, Honey, do you realize that we've been sitting in these...