• 24头稀有斑海豹被放回大海

    19-04-12 Twenty-four spotted seals were released into the sea on Thursday in the coastal city of Dalian in northeast Chinas Liaoning Province. 24头斑点海豹周四在辽宁大连被放回大海。 The 24 released seals were among 100 baby spotted seals that were illegally...

  • 海豹海狮可能传播结核病

    14-08-21 Tuberculosis(肺结核) is one of the most persistent and deadliest infectious diseases in the world, killing one to two million people each year. Scientists who study tuberculosis have long debated its origins. New research shows that tuberculosis l...

  • 南极气候变化影响海狗数量

    14-07-24 Changes in the Antarctic climate are showing up in the fur seal population, say scientists. 科学家称,南极气候变化正在通过海狗种群的数量表现出来。 Three decades of data show the females of this species are being born smaller, and those that do survi...

  • 部分海豹在海上风电场中觅食

    14-07-22 By using sophisticated GPS tracking to monitor seals' every movement, researchers have shown for the first time that some individuals are repeatedly drawn to(接近) offshore wind farms and pipelines. Those man-made structures probably serve as arti...

  • 北极海冰缩减威胁海豹生存

    12-09-18 As sea ice in the Arctic continues to shrink during this century, more than two thirds of the area with sufficient snow cover for ringed seals to reproduce also will disappear, challenging their survival, scientists report in a new study. The ringed...
