• paper-centric 唯论文论

    15-09-24 From now on, the evaluation of professional titles for scientific and research personnel in Guangdong will no longer be paper-centric but featuring more variety to apply. 今后,广东省科技人员参加职称评定将有更多可能性,不再唯论文论。 《意见》中规定...

  • 否定气候变化对科学界的影响

    15-05-11 Climate change denial in public discourse may encourage climate scientists to over-emphasise scientific uncertainty and is also affecting how they themselves speak -- and perhaps even think -- about their own research, a new study from the Universit...

  • 科研领域出现赢家通吃的局面

    14-05-23 As new research documents growing inequalities in health and wealth, the gap between haves and have-nots is growing in the field of scientific research itself, says University of Michigan sociologist Yu Xie. It's surprising that more attention has n...

  • 非洲殖民主义的科学遗产

    14-03-20 Colonial legacy has a significant impact on scientific productivity across the continent of Africa, according to a study by researchers at the University of Lom, in Togo. Writing in the International Journal of Education Economics and Development, t...

  • 科学资料正以惊人速度消逝

    13-12-24 New evidence reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on December 19 confirms long-held fears about the fate of scientific data. Careful evaluation of more than 500 randomly selected studies found that the original data behind those publis...

  • Scientific Outlook on Development 科学发展观

    13-06-06 Scientific Outlook on Development The Scientific Outlook on Development means putting people first and aiming at comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. To put people first, we should take people's interests as the starting point and...

  • 地球号钻井船创最深海底钻井记录

    12-09-07 Scientific deep sea drilling vessel Chikyu sets a world new record by drilling down and obtains rock samples from deeper than 2,111 meters below the seafloor off Shimokita Peninsula of Japan in the northwest Pacific Ocean. The Japan Agency for Marin...

  • 中国的科学产出将赶超美国

    11-03-29 China is on course to overtake the US in scientific output possibly as soon as 2013 - far earlier than expected. 中国的科学产出可能在2013年赶超美国这将远早于预期时间。 China's surge in progress could soon overwhelm the US, say experts That is the co...

  • 英皇家学会网上公开牛顿等名人手稿

    09-12-05 A gruesome account of a 1666 blood transfusion and amusing notes about how an 8-year-old Mozart responded to tests of his genius were published on Monday as part of an online history of scientific endeavor. 本周一,一家网站公布了一些重大科学发现的历...

  • 英国科学家要求给予尊重

    09-11-06 A group of senior academics has called for reassurances from the UK government that it will respect the independence and freedom of its scientific advisers. 一组高级学术界人士要求英国政府保证尊重科学研究人员的独立和自由。 Professor Nutt was sacked f...