• 12月26日全国铁路实行新的列车运行图

    22-12-31 12月26日零时起,全国铁路实行2023年一季度列车运行图。此次调图,轨道上的京津冀加速形成,进一步助力区域协同发展。与此同时,中西部多条铁路新线开通,更好服务西部大开发和中部崛起。 China implemented a new railway operating plan on Monday to improve the co...

  • wrap 杀青

    21-06-06 杀青本是古代制作竹简的程序之一。古时把书写在竹简上,为防虫蛀须先用火烤干水分,叫杀青(dry green bamboo strips on the fire before writing on them),后泛指写定著作(completion of a book manuscript)。 在现代汉语中,杀青一般指影视作品完成了前期的拍摄...

  • busy-bragging 炫忙

    16-03-30 Moaning about ones schedule has become, for some, a mark of social status. Were not speaking here about the kind of busyness associated with scraping by near the poverty line, of course, but rather the kind associated with lives of material privileg...

  • birth time schedule 生育时间表

    16-03-16 Some companies have formulated a birth time schedule that stipulates employees should report to their employers one year prior to a planned second child. 一些公司制定了生育时间表,计划生二孩的员工应提前一年向公司报告。 生育时间表(birth time schedul...

  • first lady diplomacy 第一夫人外交

    14-09-02 The US first lady Michelle Obama, who flew Wednesday from Washington, D.C., is making a week-long trip to three Chinese cities and will deliver speeches on bilateral cooperation in education during the tour. 美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马当地时间周三从华...

  • Apple schedules OS update release 苹果计划发布新操作系统

    09-08-25 Apple has confirmed that its new operating system, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, will be released on 28 August. 苹果证实道,新操作系统Mac OS X 10.6 雪豹,将于8月28日发布。 Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard is due for release on 28 August Snow Leopard is Appl...
