• CEO impersonation fraud 冒充老板进行诈骗

    16-02-23 For the last decade, a new type of fraud is particularly expanding amongst major size companies: the so called CEO impersonation fraud or CEO fraud. 过去十年,一种新型的诈骗在大公司中特别猖獗,也就是冒充老板进行诈骗(CEO fraud)。 CEO impersonation...

  • 澳数千人收到勒索短信

    12-07-28 自本周一起,澳大利亚有数千人收到一条死亡威胁短信,称如果不在48小时内支付5000澳元,就会性命不保。澳大利亚警方称该短信可能是有组织犯罪团伙所为,并告诫人们收到此类短信后不要回复,立即删除,不要惊慌。 Thousands of Australians have received a death threa...

  • 英国学术网站被劫持销售假药

    10-03-07 UK academic institutions have unwittingly become the accomplices of criminals selling fake drugs online. 英国某学术机构在毫不知情的情况下成为犯罪分子在网上销售假药的帮凶。 Servers were used to bounce people on to fake pharmacy sites A security firm...

  • 数百万人被“恐吓软件”愚弄

    09-10-19 Online criminals are making millions of pounds by convincing computer users to download fake anti-virus software, internet security experts have claimed. 网络安全专家称,线上罪犯通过诱骗电脑用户下载假冒反病毒软件而获利数百万英镑。 The scam is diffic...
