• build something on sand 没打好基础;毫无根据

    22-11-28 表达 build something on sand 用 在沙子上建造某物 来比喻 事物基础薄弱或没有基础。虽然它可以描述 建筑物等有形的事物根基不稳固,但往往多用来指 论点或想法毫无根据,多用于被动语态中,即 be built on sand。 例句 Without any planning or financial backing, D...

  • dust devil 尘魔

    22-09-27 上周,席卷英国和爱尔兰的热浪不仅使得气温飙升,还给这些地区的人们带来一种不甚熟悉的天气现象、一个术语。 威尔士波伊斯郡的居民在上周惊讶地发现了一股碎屑和岩渣的小旋风,并称其为dust devil(尘魔)。这些尘魔在暖空气的上升气流开始旋转时形成。 这种用devil来...

  • 被冲上海滩的乐高积木

    22-03-04 Tracey Williams can spot a piece of Lego where others just see seaweed and sand. The pieces that wash up here tell a story thats been unfolding in wave after wave for the past 25 years. 一般人在这里只看到海草和沙子,但特蕾西威廉姆斯却可以找到乐高积...

  • to bury your head in the sand 逃避现实

    21-08-02 自然界有这样一个神话:每当鸵鸟面对捕食者时就会把自己的头往沙子里扎。据信它们这样做是认为看不到危险,那么危险就会消失。假如鸵鸟果真是这样做的话,那么它们将会面对更大的风险, 因为它们实际上是将自己放入了一种难以逃脱的境地。从人的角度来看把你的头埋在沙...

  • 非洲西侧海底沉积物崩塌持续两日

    21-06-28 科学家们报告说,这是迄今为止观测到的持续时间最长的沉积物崩塌。崩塌发生在非洲西侧刚果河河口切入海底的一条深邃峡谷中。 Weve all seen pictures of an avalanche falling down a mountain. Now, imagine this mighty force tumbling down a slope for two whole d...

  • 小王子 Chapter 25

    20-12-24 Men, said the little prince, set out on their way in express trains, but they do not know what they are looking for. Then they rush about, and get excited, and turn round and round 那些人们,他们往快车里拥挤,但是他们却不知道要寻找什么。于是,他们就...

  • 小王子 Chapter 20

    20-12-24 But it happened that after walking for a long time through sand, and rocks, and snow, the little prince at last came upon a road. And all roads lead to the abodes of men. 在沙漠、岩石、雪地上行走了很长的时间以后,小王子终于发现了一条大路。 所有的大...

  • 滩羊养殖助宁夏农民脱贫致富

    17-05-26 At the welcoming dinner of last years G20 Hangzhou Summit, a cold dish made of lamb was appreciated by the world leaders for its delicious taste and tender texture. 去年杭州G20峰会欢迎晚宴上,一盘羔羊肉凉菜因味美可口肉质细嫩获得世界各地领导人的好评...

  • 埃及居民夏日沙浴治疗疾病

    15-09-05 The hot desert sands seem the most unlikely place to 'take a bath' in the height of summer but locals in western Egypt believe it is the natural way to cure many medical conditions. 炎炎夏日,炎热的沙漠似乎是最不可能洗浴的地方,但是埃及西部的当地居...

  • 粪便对沙滩的污染不容忽视

    15-07-16 No swimming signs have already popped up this summer along coastlines where fecal bacteria have invaded otherwise inviting waters. Some vacationers ignore the signs while others resign themselves to tanning and playing on the beach. But should those...