• 太着急

    22-08-04 1. Hasty in doing something 英文中hasty是haste的形容词形式,表示匆忙,轻率的意思。这个固定搭配的意思则是,行事或决定太过匆忙,欠考虑。 例:Perhaps I was too hasty in rejecting his offer. 也许是我太急于拒绝他的提议了。 2. Gallop through Gallop 原义是...

  • hustle about 东奔西跑

    22-07-22 东奔西跑,汉语成语,形容到处奔走,或为某种目的而四处活动。可以翻译为run around busily,hustle about或rush about/around等。 例句: 没有人注意到我们一直都在东奔西跑地倒垃圾,打扫卫生。 No one noticed we had been running around emptying bins and cleani...

  • 没时间,没空

    22-06-13 1,run out of time没时间 We re running out of time. 咱们快没时间啦! 2,in a rush 赶时间 I m in a rush, talk to you later. 我真的赶时间,晚点再找你说。 3, in a hurry 匆忙,赶时间 I was in a hurry, so I took a baozi for breakfast. 我很忙,所以只吃了...

  • rush off 匆匆离开,赶紧去

    22-05-07 rush off 匆匆离开,赶紧去 Before some of you rush off on holiday, I do have one rather important announcement. 在某些同事赶着去度假之前,我有个非常重要的消息要宣布。 Notes: rush off表示冲出,急于做某事。另有短语rush off sbs feet表示忙得不可开交。例...

  • microwait 微波炉等待

    22-04-07 有微波炉的办公室常常很多人带饭,一到中午,就出现微波炉等待。 Microwait is the consequence of the lunchtime rush for the microwave in corporate settings. 公司里到了饭点,大伙儿都抢着去用微波炉热饭,去晚了就要排队的情况就叫微波炉等待。 例句: Im going...

  • 我没时间≠I have no time

    22-02-07 说到没时间,很多人会说I have no time,但have no time的意思是,没有多少活着的时间了,如果外国人问你忙不忙,你回复这句,那多半他们会吓得立刻帮你打急救电话去了! 没空,赶时间这样说: ①run out of time 「没时间」 Were running out of time. 咱们快没时间啦...

  • 2019春运今天开始

    19-01-21 Chinas Spring Festival travel rush started Monday. 中国春运已于本周一开始。 The travel rush began 15 days ahead of the Spring Festival, or Chinese Lunar New Year, which falls on Feb. 5 this year. In the following 40 days, from Jan. 21 to March 1, ne...

  • 《道林·格雷》五

    11-07-05 影片对白: Henry: I too have news. It seems my wife is with child. Gray: Oh, congratulations. Henry: Don't be absurd. It's the beginning of the end. So, indulge me. Alan: Ah, Harry. Henry: Alan. Alan: Firkytoodling at last, I see. Come along, ladies...
