• rumors and slanders 流言蜚语

    21-06-09 流言蜚语,原指没有根据的话,现在多指在别人背后散布的诬蔑、中伤的说法。可以翻译为unfounded rumors and malicious gossip,rumors and slanders等。散布流言蜚语翻译为spread rumors。 例句: 流言蜚语满天飞。 There are a lot of unproven allegations flying ar...

  • snowball rumors 以讹传讹

    20-02-12 以讹传讹,汉语成语,讹表示false information,以讹传讹指把本来就不正确或不符合实际情况的话又不正确地传出去,越传越错(A false report, once released, will remain so in its circulation),可以翻译为be wrongly informed; pass on wrong reports; snowball r...

  • 传言:凯特王妃又怀孕了

    16-01-31 Are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge fighting over rumors of Kate Middleton pregnant, again? 剑桥公爵夫妇又要忙着澄清怀孕传言了? Trouble may be brewing in paradise for the world's most talked about royal couple. After the birth of their second chi...
