• 瑞典马尔默的垃圾桶用性感女声吸引人扔垃圾

    22-06-20 为了让本地的垃圾桶吃进更多垃圾,保持道路清洁,瑞典马尔默市让垃圾桶发出性感女声,吸引行人把垃圾投放进垃圾桶。 The Swedish city of Malm is taking dirty talk to a whole new level in its latest effort to clean up the streets. 为了清洁街道,瑞典马尔默市...

  • That's bollocks! 那是胡扯!

    22-04-28 Thats bollocks! 那是胡扯! Notes: bollocks表示胡说,废话。近义的单词有nonsense,表示胡言乱语,谬论,愚蠢的行为等;rubbish也可表示废话,无聊的想法;bullshit表示带有哄骗意味的胡说。例: She is talking a load of bollocks! 她简直一派胡言! Nonsense! 胡说...

  • a load of rubbish 低质量的或是不真实的东西

    21-09-01 我们可以把低质量的或是不真实的东西称为 a load of rubbish. 例句 Did you see that England football match? It was a load of rubbish. They will never win the World Cup. I was really excited about seeing Justin Bieber in concert but he was two hours late...

  • garbage, rubbish, trash, waste

    21-09-01 扔垃圾用英语该怎么说呢?throw the rubbish? 可别一不小心就犯了中式英语的错。 throw the rubbish并不是扔垃圾的正确表达,throw是抛、投的意思,throw the rubbish的正确含义是抛垃圾,这抛不准就太尴尬了。 外国人说扔垃圾,一般会委婉地说成take out the trash或...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 10

    20-09-16 Mother, can I have a little serious conversation with you? asked Demi one evening, as they sat together enjoying the first fire of the season, while Daisy wrote letters upstairs and Josie was studying in the little library close by. Certainly, dear....

  • 剩饭剩菜的正确保存方式

    17-01-07 TURKEY AND HAM Sydney chef Travis Harvey advises carving all turkey and ham from the bone after Christmas to ensure it stays fresh. As long as they are carved shortly after cooking, slices of turkey and ham can be stored in the freezer in a containe...