• hit the ceiling/roof 极度生气、情绪失控

    21-11-17 ceiling有天花板、顶棚的意思,roof也有屋顶、房顶之意。咦?怎么就会打到房顶?原来是被气到了!暴跳如雷,一气之下火气直冲天花板而去! hit the ceiling/roof便是指一个人极度生气、情绪失控。 Dad will hit the ceiling when he finds out Ive left school. 如果我...

  • a roof over one's head 栖身之所,住处

    21-09-10 表达 a roof over ones head 用 头上的屋顶 来比喻一个人的 栖身之所,即 住处,居所。 例句 Bens friend lent him some money so that he could get a roof over his head. 本的朋友借了他一些钱,他才能有个地方...

  • like a cat on a hot tin roof 像热锅上的蚂蚁一般,坐立不安

    21-05-16 表达 like a cat on a hot tin roof 的字面意思是 像热铁皮屋顶上的猫,但它实际用来描述 某人极度焦虑或担心的样子,相当于汉语歇后语 热锅上的蚂蚁团团转,突出了一个人坐立不安的状态。 例句 Hes really nervous about the big deal. Hes pacing back and forth. He...

  • go through the roof 大发雷霆

    21-04-26 大发雷霆,汉语成语,意思是震怒,大发脾气,大声斥责。可以翻译为explode with rage或be furious。也可以用英文习语go through the roof表示,指to become very angry or upset。 例句: 她看到发生了什么,因此大发雷霆。 She saw what had happened and went throug...

  • 房顶工人

    16-01-27 I worked in the basement of a Caltech campus building that had been periodically haunted by the specter of the upper half of a roofer who had fallen from the six story roof twenty years earlier. On the day of the 6.0 Whittier earthquakes of 1987 I a...

  • She is on the Roof 她在屋顶上

    14-09-10 Two brothers, Herbert and James, lived with their mother and a cat name Edgar. Edgar is dead, Herbert answered. James was particularly attached to the cat, and when he had to leave town for several days, he left Herbert meticulous instructions about...

  • 南非一座商场的屋顶坍塌 数十人被困

    13-11-20 One person has died and about 50 are feared trapped after a roof collapsed at the construction site of a South African shopping mall, officials say. 南非一处正在施工的购物中心屋顶发生坍塌,造成1人死亡、50余人被困。 Those trapped are believed to be c...

  • The Kid on the Housetop

    13-10-30 A kid climbed up on to the roof of an outhouse, attracted by the grass and other things that grew in the thatch(茅草) ; and as he stood there browsing away, he caught sight of a wolf passing below, and jeered at(嘲笑) him because he couldn't rea...
