• fauxmance 捏造恋情

    16-08-10 Fauxmance is a fake romance, particularly one used to generate publicity for the participants. 捏造恋情指的是虚假恋情,尤指为了增加知名度而捏造出来的恋情。 Celebrities pretend to be romantically involved in order to obtain press coverage. 明星假装陷...

  • 11个有趣的习语表达背后的故事 下

    16-05-05 为什么说法语、西班牙语和意大利语被认为是romance languages(浪漫的语言)? roman languages(浪漫的语言)的故事。从历史上看,romance就是Rome(罗马)的意思。随着罗马帝国的解体,拉丁词汇 romanticus 与那些古罗马拉丁语中发展出来的语言联系了起来。 romantic...

  • 匹配度比较高的星座 上

    16-05-02 1. Libra and Leo Both of these signs like to complement each other, and are good communicators. They both love social gatherings, and also adore romance and experiencing each other as lovers. They both feel free to express themselves - the Leo deman...

  • 关于单身的名言 上

    15-12-03 Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you're pretty sexy and you're taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with. - Sex and the City 以前,单身说明你没人要。现在,单身说明你很性感...

  • 值得珍藏的英文小说 上

    15-11-04 House of Sand and Fog By Andre Dubus III; 365 pages Because as much as it hurt, we couldn't look away. Combining unadorned realism with profound empathy, House of Sand and Fog is a devastating exploration of the American Dream gone awry. Eat, Pray,...

  • 爱使人更坚强

    14-05-10 It is springtime and they are everywhere: Newly enamored(迷恋的) couples walking through the city hand in hand, floating on cloud nine(九霄云上) . Yet a few weeks later the initial rush of romance will have dissolved and the world will not appea...

  • 时尚省钱达人的六个创意情人节礼物

    14-02-20 According to Wikipedia, Valentine's Day didn't become associated with romantic love until the High Middle Ages when the tradition of courtly love flourished. Ever since, the day has been fraught with symbolism tinged with traces of anxiety. 根据维基...

  • Dating tours 相亲游

    13-02-28 Dating tours - excursions that offer a chance for romance - are growing in popularity among China's legion of unmarried and overworked office employees. Dating tours,以结识恋爱对象为目的的出游,即相亲游或旅游相亲,在中国众多未婚且过劳的白领当中日益...

  • 情人节后离婚率显著增高

    13-02-18 本应充满爱意和浪漫的情人节近几年却成为一年中的离婚高峰期。美国一家法律咨询网站对纽约、伊利诺伊和加利福尼亚三个州的离婚案件研究后发现,2月份是一年中离婚案件最多的月份,比其他几个月高出18%;情人节后找离婚律师咨询的人数增加了38%。 Valentine's Day is su...

  • 社交网站关注前情人难治情伤

    12-10-13 As many as half of Facebook users are risking psychological damage from using the site to spy on ex lovers, according to new research. 根据一项最新研究,有多达半数的Facebook用户使用该网站查看前情人的消息,这可能导致使用者的心理受创。 Two of the most...