• fleece 敲竹杠

    21-11-15 一个人外出旅游,人生地不熟(be a complete stranger in a place),最怕的就是被人敲竹杠。 敲竹杠是一个汉语俗语,字面意思是beat the bamboo stick,用来比喻利用他人的弱点或错误敲诈勒索(fleece,take advantage of somebodys being in a weak position to over...

  • 8位中国学生在约翰尼斯堡遭抢劫 1人丧生

    18-08-22 A 19-year-old Chinese student was killed in a robbery in Johannesburg on Monday, August 20, reports Chinanews.com. 8月20日一位19岁的中国学生在约翰尼斯堡的一场抢劫案中丧生。 Eights male Chinese students in a minibus were robbed on their way to the ca...

  • 美国男子用土豆当枪 抢劫两次未遂

    14-04-27 美国罗得岛州一名男子拿土豆当枪,抢劫两次未遂。 Rhode Island police are on the lookout for a suspect who was passing a potato off as a gun during two unsuccessful robbery attempts on Monday. The man first went to a Providence convenience store with t...

  • 美国警方射杀少年抢劫犯

    11-02-11 An American teenager who took hostages in a botched bank robbery has been shot dead by police. 一位挟持人质抢劫银行的美国青少年被警察枪杀。 A witness said police snipers fired a volley of shots, killing the would-be robber Police in Cary, North Caro...

  • Heist to get Hollywood makeover 英国最大抢劫案将被好莱坞重新

    09-09-23 The story behind Britain's biggest cash robbery is to be made into a Hollywood movie, according to Variety magazine. Variety杂志透漏,英国最大的现金抢劫案将被拍成好莱坞电影。 The judge at the 2008 trial described the raid as organised banditry The W...
