• Rise and shine! 快起床!

    22-11-30 表达 rise and shine 的意思是 快起床。人们用它来叫他人起床,这是一个幽默的说法。 例句 Rise and shine! Youre going to be late for school. 快起床!你上学要迟到了。 Its time to rise and shine, otherwise well miss the train. 该起床了,不然我们就赶不上火...

  • rise to the occasion 随机应变

    22-09-08 随机应变,汉语成语,意思是随着时机、情况的变化而灵活地对待。比喻人处事机敏灵活。可以翻译为rise to the occasion,act according to the changing situation等。 例句: 他很机智,完全可以随机应变。 He is resourceful enough to rise to the occasion....

  • rise above 不受…的影响;克服;摆脱

    22-02-22 1. rise above 这个动词短语表示不受的影响;克服;摆脱,和overcome意思差不多。 He rose above his pain/bad luck/difficulties. 他战胜了疼痛/厄运/困难。 2. come down on 的意思和punish、criticize差不多,但是语气更强烈些,表示严厉处罚;斥责;训斥。 Theyr...

  • great ups and downs 大起大落

    22-01-11 大起大落,汉语成语,意思是大幅度的起与落,形容变化大。可以翻译为great ups and downs,great/heavy/sharp fluctuations或 big rise and fall等。 例句: 他的事业经历了大起大落。 His career has seen a whirlwind of ups and downs. 这支队伍本赛季表现大起大落...

  • to rise to the top 非常成功

    21-08-09 我们可以用 to rise to the top 来形容某人在自己行业里非常成功,并升到了最高层。 例句 She rose to the top of the legal profession and became one of the most successful lawyers in the country. He rose to the top at a young age and won many singing awar...

  • 如何区分raise和rise

    20-10-15 1. Raise Raise needs a direct object - if you raise something you move it up. It has both literal and non-literal meanings and it is a regular verb, so its past and past participle forms are raised. 动词 raise 后需要加直接宾语,如:raise something,...

  • Drought Fishing

    15-01-15 Drought Fishing Thomas Reiter Mid-riverbed, below rapids dry as the track left by a pencil eraser, I come to a pool that from bank-side glints like the last thin dime the water's down to. I circle it in minutes, and though I can't see the bottom, I...