• riots 骚乱

    12-04-23 Prime Minister David Cameron blamed the worst riots in Britain for decades on street gang members and opportunistic looters and denied government austerity measures or poverty caused the violence in London and other major English cities 英国首相卡梅...

  • 莫桑比克将降低食物售价

    10-09-08 Mozambique says it will reverse the increase in the price of bread that sparked deadly riots last week. 莫桑比克政府称,将降低面包的售价。上周莫桑比克因高物价爆发了致命的暴动。 The announcement of the change in policy came from the planning minister...

  • 物价上涨 莫桑比克发生致命暴动

    10-09-02 Six people, including two children, are reported to have been killed during riots in Mozambique's capital, Maputo, over rising food and fuel prices. 受不断上涨的食物和燃油价格影响,莫桑比克首都马普托发生一起暴乱,包括两名儿童在内六人死亡。 Protester...
