• inclusion rider 包容性附加条款

    22-09-29 弗兰西斯麦克多蒙德(Frances McDormand)在刚刚过去的2018奥斯卡颁奖礼中获得最佳女主角(今天不谈她随后奥斯卡小金人被偷又失而复得的事)。在她结束获奖感言后,有一个混合词汇跃入人们视野:inclusion rider。 奥斯卡奖获得者麦克多蒙德说出的这两个词立刻引发国内...

  • 无头骑士

    16-01-27 One cold winter night, early in the New Year, a certain Dutchman left the tavern in Tarrytown and started walking to his home in the hollow nearby. His path led next to the old Sleepy Hollow cemetery where a headless Hessian soldier was buried. At m...

  • Punishing the horse 罚马

    15-08-12 Since his horse refused to go forward, a traveler in the state of Song drove it into a stream, then mounted to set off again. Still the horse refused to go, and he punished it once more in the same way. This happened three times in all. Even the mos...
