• 饺子

    22-06-27 1 饺子 Jiaozi Jiaozi filled with ground pork or beef, cabbage, bamboo shoots, and scallions are a popular dish at Chinese restaurants and Lunar New Year celebrations. Serve them as an appetizer, with an easy tangy dipping sauce made from soy sauce a...

  • 艺术家扔1000颗黄金米粒

    21-10-20 把钱扔水里,你能想象吗?真有人这么做了。 近日,艺术家杨烨炘搞了场行为艺术,用500克黄金打造了1000颗黄金米粒,然后一粒一粒扔进了黄浦江和上海的各个角落。杨烨炘称,想以这种行为艺术的方式来讽刺浪费粮食的行为。他表示我认为,粮食比黄金更珍贵。 Artist Yang...

  • 美国概况人文知识7

    21-10-04 1. The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except _____. A. George Washington B. Thomas Jefferson C. William Penn D. Benjamin Franklin 2. The New Deal was started by _____. A. Franklin Roosevelt B. J.K. Kennedy C. George Was...

  • father of hybrid rice 杂交水稻之父

    21-05-26 5月22日,杂交水稻之父袁隆平因多器官衰竭去世,享年91岁。受中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平委托,湖南省委书记许达哲专程看望了袁隆平同志的家属,转达习近平对袁隆平同志的深切悼念和对其家属的亲切问候。 President Xi Jinping has extended condole...

  • 主播们口中的“热词金句”

    21-05-25 喷饭 something makes you spit out your riceLaughable or Choke with laughter 满嘴跑火车 your mouth is a runaway train Youre full of crap. 扎轮胎 slashing tirestake revenge. 怨妇心态 a female who is full of complaintsgreen-eyed monster 遮羞布 loin clo...

  • 越南一企业家发明大米ATM,24小时提供免费大米

    20-06-30 一位越南企业家想出了一个帮助穷人的好点子,他设计出了提供大米而不是现金的ATM,这款机器能24小时提供免费的大米,以便缓解因为疫情失业的穷人们的困境。 A Vietnamese entrepreneur has come up with an ingenious idea to help hungry people in Vietnam. Business...

  • 中国允许从美国进口大米

    18-12-29 China has allowed imports of rice from the United States, said the General Administration of Customs in a statement on its website Friday. 海关总署周五在官网上宣布,中国已允许从美国进口大米。 A list of inspection standards and quarantine requirement...

  • 耐盐水稻在山东成功种植

    18-10-11 Rice with a high tolerance to water salinity have been successfully grown in Qingdao in Shandong Province, according to a Xinhua report published on Wednesday. 对水盐浓度具有高耐性的水稻在山东青岛成功种植。 In May, the seawater rice research center...

  • 中国超级杂交水稻产量创记录

    18-09-04 Super hybrid rice output in test fields in southwestern Yunnan Province has set a new world record, local authorities said Monday. 超级杂交水稻云南试验田的产量创新世界记录。 The latest output of three plots at a super hybrid rice demonstration base...

  • 2020年海水杂交水稻将在中国推广种植

    18-06-11 Chinese agricultural scientist Yuan Longping announced Saturday that his team has completed detailed plans for seawater hybrid rices trial planting and promotion. 中国农业科学家袁隆平上周六宣布他的团队已经完成海水杂交水稻试种和推广的详细计划。 The n...