• 瑞士网球名将罗杰·费德勒宣布退役

    22-09-19 瑞士男子网球名将费德勒9月15日在个人社交媒体上宣布,将于下周在伦敦举行的拉沃尔杯后退役。在其长达24年的网球传奇生涯中,费德勒总共赢得20个大满贯冠军。 Swiss tennis icon Roger Federer announced on Thursday that he will retire from Grand Slams and the AT...

  • nest egg 储蓄金、筹备的积蓄

    22-06-28 Nest egg: Money that has been saved up over a period of time 储蓄金、筹备的积蓄 例: Over the years Leo has been very disciplined and saved every month. He now has a big nest egg on which he can retire. 利奥这些年来一直很自律,每个月都存钱。现在他有...

  • 和“年迈”有关的英语词汇

    21-10-02 尊重老人是我国一大传统美德,每逢重阳节,很多会街道、居委会、公司等会通过开展多样的活动来表示对长者们的爱戴和尊重。比如,有些退休的老人们会一起去登山踏秋、插茱萸等。试做下面六道和 晚年 有关的题目 。 1. When you are old enough (or wealthy enough) you...

  • Advice for "Kid" 忠告“年轻者”

    13-07-09 A bit of advice for those about to retire. If you are only 65, never move to a retirement community. Everybody else is in their 70s, 80s, or 90s. So when something has to be moved, lifted or loaded, they yell, Get the kid. 这里想对将要退休者提一点忠...
