• be on tenterhooks 坐立不安

    22-06-06 坐立不安,汉语成语,坐着站着都不安稳,形容心情烦躁不安的样子。可以翻译为be fidgety or restless,与英文习语be on tenterhooks意思相近,表示waiting nervously for something to happen。 例句: 整个星期我都在坐立不安,等待结果出来。 Ive been on tenterhook...

  • come back with fruitful results 满载而归

    21-01-07 满载而归,汉语成语,原指装得满满地回来(return fully loaded),形容收获很大,取得丰硕成果。可以翻译为come back with fruitful results。 例句: 人们到这家商店来总是满载而归。 People would go into the store and come out with their arms full. 人们热烈欢...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 25

    15-11-13 It was lucky that the padre should have been at Kyauktada, for he was able, before catching the train on the following evening, to read the burial service in due form and even to deliver a short address on the virtues of the dead man. All Englishmen...

  • 文化差异对人类行为影响不大

    14-01-15 A generally held assumption in various academic disciplines is that the way people perform various everyday activities -- walking, swimming, carrying loads, etc. -- is culturally determined. But, the question remains: do these cultural characteristi...

  • 谷歌否认“人为筹划”搜索结果

    11-09-22 Google's executive chairman has denied that the company fixes its search results to promote its own websites and services. 谷歌执行总裁否认了其搜索引擎锁定搜索结果以促进谷歌旗下网站和服务发展的说法。 Eric Schmidt told a congressional hearing in Wash...
