• respect the aged and cherish the young 尊老爱幼

    22-10-25 尊老爱幼,汉语成语,意思是尊敬长辈,爱护晚辈,形容人的品德良好。可以翻译为respect the aged and cherish the young等。 例如: 众所周知,尊老爱幼是中华民族的优良传统。 As we all know, respecting the old and taking care of the young is a good Chinese tr...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 32

    22-09-15 The bloody victory of the Corleone Family was not complete until a year of delicate political maneuvering established Michael Corleone as the most powerful Family chief in the United States. For twelve months, Michael divided his time equally betwee...

  • 英式客套话

    22-08-02 1. I hear what you say. 误解:他接受了我的观点。 正解:不同意,也不想再说什么了。 2. With the greatest respect 误解:他正仰慕地听我讲话呢。 正解:你太二了。 3. Thats not bad. 误解:太好了 正解:差劲 4. That is a very brave proposal. 误解:他觉得我挺...

  • 10件为了和上级友好相处而不该做的事情 下

    22-07-25 6. Challenging your manager in front of your managers boss. 在上级的上级前质疑你的上级。 If you disagree with your manager, or have a concern, bring it up privately with your manager. Dont embarrass or undermine your manager. 如果你对你的经理心存不...

  • 课堂上老师的常用语-迟到

    22-06-22 Youre late. 你迟到了。 Tardiness reflects a lack of respect for your teacher. 迟到是对老师的不尊重。 Two lates equals an absence. 迟到两次等于缺席一次。 Dont tell me you were born late too. 别跟我说你出生的时候也迟到了。 Youre not late, youre just e...

  • pay someone a visit 拜访

    22-06-14 Pay someone a visit 拜访 If you pay someone a visit, bring a gift. 如果你去拜访别人,要带个礼物去。 Pay someone a compliment 称赞 You must like her, you never pay someone a compliment. 你一定是喜欢她,你从来没有称赞过别人。 Pay your respect 尊重,致...

  • 委婉表达不同意见 下

    22-01-07 Thats an interesting way to look at it. 这个角度看问题也不错。 Thats an interesting way to look at it, but did you think about the social impact. 这个角度看问题也不错,但是你有想过社会影响吗? With all respect 我很尊重你的意见 With all respect, but...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 40

    21-05-07 Fanny was right enough in not expecting to hear from Miss Crawford now at the rapid rate in which their correspondence had begun; Marys next letter was after a decidedly longer interval than the last, but she was not right in supposing that such an...

  • Respected,respectable,respectful区别是什么

    21-04-01 虽然这三个词的意思都和 尊重,尊敬 有关,但它们的意思是有区别的。以下这三句话的意思不同: You are respected.(你受人尊敬。);You are respectable.(你值得尊敬;你很得体。);You are respectful.(你很恭敬有礼。) Respected、respectable 和 respectful...