• 蟑螂对杀虫气几乎已免疫

    19-07-05 The German cockroach has developed a strong resistance to insecticide due to the widespread use of chemical bug sprays, according to a research led by Purdue University in Indiana. 印第安纳州普渡大学的一项研究显示,由于化学杀虫喷雾剂的广泛使用,德国...

  • 两栖类可获得对致命真菌的抵抗力

    14-07-10 Emerging fungal pathogens pose a greater threat to biodiversity than any other parasitic group, causing population declines of amphibians, bats, corals, bees and snakes. New research from the University of South Florida published in the journal Natu...

  • 动脉也可能产生抗胰岛素性

    10-05-05 In people with insulin(胰岛素) resistance or full-blown diabetes(糖尿病) , an inability to keep blood sugar levels under control isn't the only problem by far. A new report in the May issue of Cell Metabolism(新陈代谢) , a Cell Press publicati...

  • 研究:运动可使内脏脂肪远离身体

    09-10-30 A study conducted by exercise physiologists(生理学者) in the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Department of Human Studies finds that as little as 80 minutes a week of aerobic(有氧的) or resistance(阻抗训练) training helps not only to...
