• come to the rescue 营救

    21-12-28 当某人 comes to the rescue 意思就是及时到达营救解围。这个短语也常常用于形容糟糕的情况而并不一定是生命危机时才能使用。 例句 I left my passport at home and only realised on my way to the airport. Fortunately my friend came to the rescue and drove to t...

  • 国务院安委会对湖北燃气爆炸事故进行挂牌督办

    21-06-15 6月13日,湖北十堰市张湾区艳湖社区集贸市场发生燃气爆炸。最新通报显示,截至目前本次事故已经造成25人死亡。 The State Councils Work Safety Commission will supervise the investigation of the deadly gas explosion in Central Chinas Hubei province. 国务院安...

  • 国家体育总局要求完善体育系统风险管理

    21-05-25 5月22日,甘肃白银马拉松越野赛遭遇极端天气,21名参赛人员不幸遇难。国家体育总局5月23日晚紧急召开全国体育系统加强赛事安全管理工作会议,进一步压实体育系统的赛事安全管理工作。 The General Administration of Sport of China urged better risk management and...

  • save somebody from embarrassment 解围

    20-08-25 解围,汉语词语,字面意思是解除敌军的包围( force an enemy to raise a siege),也比喻使人摆脱不利或受窘的处境,可以翻译为 save somebody from embarrassment ; get somebody out of a fix; ease somebodys embarrassment。 例句: 当我被记者困住时,他来帮我解...

  • 四川长宁发生6.0级地震

    19-06-18 Eleven people were killed and another 122 were injured after a 6.0-magnitude earthquake rattled Changning County of Yibin City in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province at 10:55 p.m. Monday(Beijing Time), according to local authorities. 北京时间周一晚10...

  • 中国救援团抵达意大利震区展开救援

    16-08-26 A civil rescue team from China arrived at the quake-affected areas in Italy Thursday evening and has started rescue work there, official sources said. 一支中国民间救援团周四晚抵达意大利震区开始救援工作。 The Rescue Team of Ram Union, from east China...

  • 俄罗斯发生天然气爆炸事故 一人死亡、多人受伤

    16-02-16 One person has been found killed and four others rescued with injuries after a natural gas explosion partially collapsed an apartment building in the Russian city of Yaroslavl early Tuesday, authorities said. 周二早些时候,俄罗斯城市雅罗斯拉夫尔的一...

  • 韩国一艘渔船翻船 8人死亡

    15-09-06 Eight bodies have been found, and three people were rescued after a South Korean fishing boat capsized off the southern coast, local media reported Sunday citing the police. 韩国当地媒体周日报道,一艘渔船在南部海域翻船,8具尸体被发现另有3人获救。 Th...

  • 台风海燕给菲律宾造成巨大损失

    13-11-12 US and British vessels were heading to the Philippines as the UN appealed for aid amid the large-scale devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan. 台风海燕在菲律宾造成了大规模的破坏,联合国呼吁国际社会给予援助,英美船目前只正开往菲律宾。 The US has deploy...

  • 俄克拉荷马州龙卷风救援工作接近尾声

    13-05-22 Rescue workers are combing the ruins left by the gigantic tornado that killed two dozen people in Oklahoma on Monday. 本周一,美国俄克拉荷马州的救援人员正在巨大龙卷风造成的废墟中搜寻幸存者。 The huge tornado ripped through a suburb of Oklahoma City,...