• throw mud at somebody 泼脏水

    23-01-20 泼脏水,字面意思splash dirty water,泛指对人造谣污蔑,刻意中伤(slander),与英文习语hurl/throw/sling mud at somebody意思相近,表示to say insulting or unfair things about someone, especially to try to damage their reputation。 例句: 为了诋毁她的名...

  • sling mud at somebody 泼脏水

    22-09-23 泼脏水,字面意思splash dirty water,泛指对人造谣污蔑,刻意中伤(slander),常用表达如朝某人泼脏水,与英文习语hurl/throw/sling mud at somebody意思相近,表示to say insulting or unfair things about someone, especially to try to damage their reputation...

  • 塌房

    22-09-20 1 house crashed 塌房 house crashed用来表示塌房再形象不过了,这个也是产生在特定的中文语境下的,比如说: - The star is dating with a woman. -这个明星在和一个女性约会。 - OMG, my house has crashed. -天啊,我房子塌了。 2 go public with ones relationship...

  • face, prestige, reputation 面子

    21-11-15 中国有句俗话叫:死要面子活受罪,意思是为了维护面子问题(issue concerning ones reputation),宁愿损害自己的利益。这里的面子可以理解为face, prestige, reputation。 中国人是非常爱面子(be keen on face-saving)的,在他们看来丢什么,都不能丢面子(lose fac...

  • be increasingly flourishing 蒸蒸日上

    21-06-30 蒸蒸日上,汉语成语,意为一天天地向上发展,蒸蒸表示上升和兴盛的样子(be thriving)。蒸蒸日上形容发展速度快。可以翻译为become more prosperous every day,be increasingly flourishing。 例句: 新年之际,祝大家的生活蒸蒸日上,越过越红火。 I would like to...

  • suffer a drastic decline 一落千丈

    21-01-11 一落千丈(literally drop a thousand zhang in one fall),汉语成语,原形容琴声由高而低突然变化;现在表示下降得很厉害,用来形容声誉、地位或经济状况急剧下降。可以翻译为suffer a drastic decline,也可以用nosedive来表示。 例句: 自从美国入侵以来,这位总统...

  • 世界最佳大学城市 巴黎居首

    12-03-03 London has come second, beaten only by Paris, in a ranking of the world's 50 best cities for students. 近日发布的世界最佳大学城市排行榜中,伦敦位列第二,仅次于巴黎。 Researchers considered cities with populations of more than 250,000 and home to two...

  • 画饼充饥

    11-06-21 In the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), the king of the Wei, Cao Rui, wanted to select a very capable man to work for him. He said to his ministers: 'When choosing a talented person, always beware of(小心,谨防) one with a false reputation. A fals...
