• 里克·桑托伦退出美国总统选举

    12-04-11 Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has ended his bid for the White House, leaving Mitt Romney as the presumptive nominee. 美国共和党总统候选人里克桑托伦退出总统选举,使米特罗姆尼成为预定候选人。 The former Pennsylvania senator made the...

  • 伊利诺伊州共和党预选 罗姆尼获胜

    12-03-21 Mitt Romney has won the Republican primary in Illinois. 米特罗姆尼赢得伊利诺伊州共和党预选的胜利。 Mr Romney has won 47% of the votes, compared with 35% for Rick Santorum, with nearly all votes counted. Sending a message to President Obama at a vict...

  • 新罕普什尔州总统初选 米特·罗姆尼获胜

    12-01-11 Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has taken another stride towards his party's nomination after a solid victory in New Hampshire's primary. 美国共和党总统候选人米特罗姆尼在新罕普什尔州的初选中大获全胜,向共和党候选人提名迈进一大步。 The fo...

  • 美共和党米特·罗姆尼为2012选举募集到1800万

    11-07-07 Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's bid for the 2012 Republican nomination raised $18.25m (11.4m) in the second quarter of 2011, his campaign said. 美国2012总统选举共和党最具希望的候选人米特罗姆尼在2011年第二季度募集到1825万美元。 Mr Romney spent abo...
