• 租车

    22-02-21 1. I would like to rent a car. What kind of car do you have? 我想租一部车,你们有什么样的车? 2. Compact, sedan, van or a coupe? 小轿车、家庭房车、货车还是双门跑车? 3. We have Volkswagen, Pinto, Plymouth and Datsun. 我们有大众、品拓、普利茅斯和德森...

  • 住建部就住房租赁条例公开征求意见

    20-09-15 住建部发布通知就《住房租赁条例(征求意见稿)》向社会公开征求意见。 The draft regulation is designed to protect the lawful interests of tenants and landlords. One of its provisions says the interior decoration of apartments should meet national stand...

  • Generation rent 租房一代

    12-07-19 Generation rent refers to the generation of people born from the eighties onwards, who because of changes in the economic situation are more likely to rent their homes than buy them. Generation rent(租房一代)指出生于上世纪八十年代及以后,由于经济...
