• conversational fillers

    21-07-01 If you dont understand 如果你听不懂 当你听不懂对方的意思,可以明白告诉对方。 常用的句子如下: Sorry, I dont understand. 抱歉,我听不懂。 Sorry, could you repeat that? 抱歉,你能再说一遍么? Sorry? I didnt get that. 什么?我没听懂。 If you dont know...

  • 商务邮件经典错误

    20-10-17 1 商务邮件经典错误之一:please be noted 提醒别人,请对方注意接下来的信息,我们很容易就用成被动语气,说成please be noted。 但其实note这个词在当做注意,留意的时候,直接说please note或please note that.用主动形式就可以。 Please note the difference in th...

  • Little Women - Chapter 8

    20-09-27 Girls, where are you going? asked Amy, coming into their room one Saturday afternoon, and finding them getting ready to go out with an air of secrecy which excited her curiosity. Never mind. Little girls shouldnt ask questions, returned Jo sharply....

  • remember和remind的用法区别

    20-09-03 Both remember and remind are verbs about memory, but they are not the same. Remember 和 remind 都是描述 记忆 的动词,但含义和用法不同。 1. Remember is about having a memory and has two verb patterns. Remember 的意思是 记得、回想起。表达这个意思时,...
