• 《怪兽大学》第10章

    23-01-18 Mike and Sulley froze as the can rolled across the room. It came to a stop, apparently undamaged. Both monsters let out a sigh of relief. But just then, the can burst open and a horrifying scream escaped! Students gasped and ran for cover as the can...

  • dreamer 追梦人

    22-10-12 本月,美国总统特朗普取缔了DACA法案,即儿童移民延期行动。这是奥巴马政府于2012年颁布的移民政策,旨在保护那些被父母带入境美国的无身份儿童被驱逐出境。这些将近80万的人中很多都在美国学习、工作、纳税,甚至在军队服役,他们通常被称为Dreamers / 追梦人,现在,...

  • feel a sense of relief 如释重负

    22-01-22 如释重负,汉语成语,意思是好像放下了沉重的担子那样轻松(as if relieved of a heavy burden),形容因解除了负担或摆脱困扰而感到轻松。可以翻译为feel a sense of relief,feel very much relieved等。 例句: 我们都如释重负地舒了一口气。 We all heaved a sigh...

  • feel relieved 如释重负

    20-08-25 如释重负,汉语成语,意思是好像放下了一副重担子一样(as though a great burden had been taken off ones shoulder),形容心情紧张后的轻松愉快,可以翻译为feel a sense of relief; feel relieved 或free from a burden。 例句: 他们如释重负地彼此看了看。 They...

  • 中国向津巴布韦提供人道主义援助

    18-11-21 A new batch of relief items and commodities from China has been distributed to the displaced trying to carve out a life in a refugee camp in Zimbabwe. 津巴布韦某难民营,一批来自中国的救济物资和日用品已经被分发给无家可归的人。 The humanitarian suppor...

  • 中国向斯里兰卡空运救援物资

    17-06-04 A Chinese cargo plane carrying emergency humanitarian relief arrived in Sri Lanka on Saturday, which was hit by floods and landslides earlier this week. 一架装有紧急人道主义救援物资的中国货运飞机周六抵达斯里兰卡,该国本周早些时候发生洪灾与泥石流。 T...

  • 法律英语:Remedy 救济

    14-11-25 In pleading, a party may request alternative relief. 在诉辩状中,当事人可提出替换救济要求。 Penal redress requires full compensation of the injured person as an instrument for punishing the offender. 刑事救济中所规定的对受害人进行的充分赔偿同时也是...

  • To Kill a Mockingbird 杀死一只知更鸟 Chapter 3

    14-11-13 Catching Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard gave me some pleasure, but when Iwas rubbing his nose in the dirt Jem came by and told me to stop. You're bigger'n heis, he said. He's as old as you, nearly, I said. He made me start off on the wrong foot...

  • 地震相关词汇

    10-08-31 地震 aftershock 余震 epicenter 震中 magnitude 震级 earthquake monitoring 地震监控 earthquake wave / seismic wave 地震波 earth tremor 轻微地震 Richter Scale(1-10) 里氏震级 at a scale of 7 on the Richter calculations 里氏7级地震 seismology 地震学 哀悼...
