• 全球变暖导致驯鹿体重减轻

    16-12-26 A 16-year survey on the arctic Norwegian island of Svalbard found the reindeer there have declined in weight by an alarming 12 percent. 一项对挪威北极区域斯瓦尔巴特群岛长达16年的调查发现,这里的驯鹿体重下降了12%,这一数字让人震惊。 The reduction in...

  • 北极驯鹿眼睛的颜色随季节变化

    13-10-31 Researchers have discovered the eyes of Arctic reindeer change colour through the seasons from gold to blue, adapting to extreme changes of light levels in their environment and helping detect predators. The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Res...

  • 驯鹿眼中的紫外线世界

    11-05-30 Researchers have discovered that the ultraviolet (UV) light that causes the temporary but painful condition of snow blindness in humans is life-saving for reindeer in the arctic. A BBSRC-funded team at UCL has published a paper today (12 May) in the...

  • 英超市出售驯鹿肉引起抗议

    10-11-21 英国一家连锁超市最近开始出售驯鹿肉,此举引起动物保护组织的抗议,称其破坏了圣诞节魔力,同时也剥夺了野生动物的生存权。 A supermarket chain was under fire on Monday for selling reindeer(驯鹿) meat in its British stores in the run-up to Christmas. Ger...
