• 飞机黑匣子

    22-03-28 飞机黑匣子是电子飞行记录仪(flight recorder)的俗称,是判断飞行事故原因最重要及最直接的证据。 按照国际惯例它一般被装置在橘红色盒子内,在外观上涂有飞行记录器,请勿开启(Flight recorder do not open)的字样。 黑匣子只是一个代名词,实际上飞行记录仪是被...

  • 黑匣子如何工作?

    14-04-19 A possible break in the mystery of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 plane came when ships detected pings consistent with the aircraft's black box. But how does a black box actually work? 据报道,搜寻船只探测到疑似客机黑匣子的脉冲信号,这是失...

  • 埃塞俄比亚失事飞机“黑匣子”被找到

    10-02-08 Lebanese search teams have retrieved the flight data recorder from the Ethiopian Airlines jet that crashed in the Mediterranean, officials say. 黎巴嫩救援组已找到坠落到地中海的埃塞俄比亚航空公司喷气式客机的飞行记录器。 Lebanese navy divers located t...

  • 法国航空空难调查组呼吁改进“黑匣子”

    09-12-18 Black box flight recorders should be modified to emit signals for longer, experts investigating June's Air France disaster over the Atlantic have said. 负责在大西洋上调查法国航空六月空难的专家称,飞行记录器黑匣子应该被改进可以更长时间地发射信号。 On...
