• 2/3中国读者愿为网络出版物买单

    19-08-06 A recent report on Chinas digital reading market shows that a total of 432 million Chinese people read digital publications in 2018, and over 60 percent of them would pay for reading digital materials including e-books, e-magazines and e-papers. 最...

  • 10部经久畅销的经典英国小说

    16-03-02 Vanity Fair (William Makepeace Thackeray, 1848) This novel features probably the greatest anti-heroine in English literature, Becky Sharp, and a plot that revolves around class, social climbing and a financial crisis that will seem eerily familiar t...

  • 曾被搬上银幕的十大畅销书 下

    15-05-02 6: ANGELS AND DEMONS (2000) Angels and Demons is a 2000 best-selling mystery-thriller novel written by Dan Brown. Robert Langdon discovered a brotherhood called Illuminati. This anti-Christ underground movement creates a viral frenzy in the Vatican...

  • 多数人更喜欢阅读同性作家的作品

    14-11-30 According to a new survey, most people in Britain prefer to read books by writers of their own gender -- and tend to read fewer of those written by the opposite sex. 最新的一项调查显示,大多数英国人更喜欢阅读与自己性别相同作家的著作,而倾向于去阅读...
