15-04-16 How fast is online learning evolving? Are wind turbines a promising investment? And how long before a cheap hoverboard makes it to market? Attempting to answer such questions requires knowing something about the rate at which a technology is improvi...
14-08-14 UK unemployment edged closer to a six-year low in the three months to the end of June, official figures have shown. 官方统计数据显示,今年第二季度英国的失业率几乎达到近六年来最低点。 The Office for National Statistics said the unemployment rate fell...
14-01-14 经济适用房 economically affordable house 安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents 住房保障制度 housing security system 出租车起步价 flag down fare 法定准备金率 required reserve ratio 实体经济 real economy 虚拟经济 fictitious economy...
13-12-24 New evidence reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on December 19 confirms long-held fears about the fate of scientific data. Careful evaluation of more than 500 randomly selected studies found that the original data behind those publis...
12-02-15 China's railway authority is about to suspend two pairs of bullet trains on part of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway because of their low occupancy rate . 由于上座率较低,国家铁路部门将暂时停运京沪高铁部分路段上的两组动车。 Occupancy是居...
11-11-11 Employees' expectations have been rising as the economy recovers and the number of available positions increases, which affects turnover rates . 随着经济复苏和职位的增加,雇员的期望值在升高,这同时也影响了人员流动率。 在上面的报道中,turnover rate就...
11-10-11 The report by the National Development and Reform Commission acknowledged the limitations of the registered unemployment rate and said it may not represent the overall situation. The surveyed unemployment rate will be in place in 2011, the report ad...
11-09-29 The way in which global warming causes many of the world's organisms to shrink has been revealed by new research from Queen Mary, University of London. Almost all cold-blooded organisms are affected by a phenomenon known as the 'temperature-size rul...
10-02-27 The US economy grew at an annualised rate of 5.9% in the last three months of 2009, revised official figures have shown. 美国官方数据显示,2009年第四季度美国经济增长5.9%。 Stronger manufacturing has boosted US growth The rate is higher than the firs...
09-07-28 Broadband users are not getting the speeds they are paying for, according to the largest survey of its kind ever undertaken by telecoms regulator Ofcom. 电信运营商Ofcom开展的最大的一项调查显示,宽带用户实际使用带宽与没有达到之前付款的要求。 Nearly o...