• 天气习语 下

    22-06-13 6.On cloud nine 非常高兴,心情十分舒畅 形容一个人的心情好的不能再好了。 例句: When the boss announced my promotion, I was on cloud nine. 当老板宣布我获得晋升时,我非常高兴。 7.To chase the rainbows 追逐彩虹,痴人说梦 形容一个人尽是想好事,而且是不...

  • chasing rainbows 追求不现实的幻想

    21-09-03 说某人在 chasing rainbows, 就是说他在追求不现实的幻想,有点夸父追日的意思。 例句 I know you want to become an actor but I think you should stop chasing rainbows and get an office job. Becoming a successful actor is really hard! Bob had hundreds of p...
