• 埃及弯曲金字塔1965年以来首次向游客开放

    19-07-15 Egypt on Saturday opened two of its oldest pyramids, located about 25 miles (40 kilometers) south of the capital Cairo, to visitors for the first time since 1965. 埃及周六向游客开放两座最古老的金字塔,这两座金字塔位于开罗南部25英里(40公里),是1965...

  • 阿根廷研究员在太平洋深处发现一座“金字塔”

    16-07-16 Humans have yet to explore the deep wonders of the sea, but a recent find suggests aliens may have already beaten us to it. 海洋深处的奇迹还有待人类去探索,但最新发现表明,在这方面外星人可能已经打败了我们。 Deep below the Pacific Ocean lies what one...

  • pyramid-selling through WeChat 微传销

    15-06-29 Once pyramid-selling through WeChat spreads, it turns a circle of friends into a platform of fraud, which not only seriously undermines people's daily social life but also endangers social stabilization. 微传销的泛滥将朋友圈变成了诈骗平台,不仅影响...

  • 玛雅金字塔内发现一处超凡雕塑

    13-08-09 Archaeologists working in a Mayan pyramid in Guatemala have discovered an extraordinary stucco sculpture depicting gods and Mayan leaders. 在危地马拉玛雅金字塔工作的考古学家发现了一处非凡的、描绘诸神和玛雅领袖的泥灰雕塑。 The figures are richly deco...

  • 哈里王子访美 与拉拉队员叠罗汉

    13-05-19 Being bottom of the pile may not come naturally to Prince Harry, but he found himself at the base of a human pyramid during a visit to a US Air Force base today. 据英国《每日电讯报》5月12日报道,英国哈里王子在美国空军学院访问时童心大发,贵为王子的他...

  • 墨西哥建筑师设计300米深“摩地大楼”

    11-10-16 Architects have designed an incredible 65-storey 'earth-scraper' which plunges 300 metres below ground. The stunning upside down pyramid in the middle of Mexico City is designed to get around height limits on new buildings in the capital. 墨西哥建筑...
