• over-egg the pudding 画蛇添足

    21-05-13 在烘焙时,给面糊里加适量的 鸡蛋 eggs 是烤出香浓美味甜品的一个小窍门。但如果面糊里加了太多个鸡蛋,烤出来甜品反而会变得不好吃。英式习语 over-egg the pudding 做布丁时鸡蛋放多了 就用来形容这种 画蛇添足 的行为,也可以指 夸大其辞而导致不被信任 的做法。 例...

  • 英国约克郡面糊布丁

    12-11-25 Yorkshire pudding is an English savory(开胃菜) dish similar to the American popover(淡烤的酥饼) , and made from batter. Is most often served with roast beef, or any meal in which there is gravy, or on its own. Gravy is considered an essential ac...

  • Banana pudding 香蕉布丁

    10-07-07 Anytime I see banana pudding on a menu, I'm filled with an euphoric(精神愉快的) sense of well being and taken back to a special moment in my life when I learned an important lesson about jealousy and love. It all began when my stepchildren came fo...
