• poverty relief through culture and tourism 文化和旅游扶贫

    20-02-12 文化和旅游部表示,2019年文化和旅游扶贫工作扎实推进,为贫困地区村文化活动室购置设备、送戏下乡等一系列帮扶项目有力实施,丰富了村民生活。 China made solid progress in reducing poverty through the promotion of culture and tourism in poor areas in 2019,...

  • 中非将加强合作以减少贫困

    18-08-15 China and Africa will step up cooperation to reduce poverty, a Chinese poverty relief official said Tuesday. 中国一位扶贫官员周二表示,中国与非洲将加强合作以减少贫困。 Reducing poverty and achieving sustainable development are shared targets and his...

  • 中国即将出台首部慈善法律

    16-03-13 A draft of China's first bill regulating charities was submitted to the national legislature on Wednesday, with lawmakers hoping it can give donors confidence to help the country meet its poverty alleviation targets. 周三,中国首部规范慈善事业的法律...
