• 蛋白质生命中的阴与阳

    13-10-23 Recycling or scrap press: physicians at the Ruhr-Universitt have found out which molecular mechanisms decide about the fate of the import receptor Pex18. Pex18 is responsible for the import of proteins into specific cell components, namely peroxisom...

  • 植物如何避免被晒伤

    13-08-07 A Dartmouth-led team has discovered a group of stress-related proteins that explains how plants avoid sunburn in intense light, a finding that one day could help biotechnologists to develop crops that can better cope with hotter, drier conditions oc...

  • 珊瑚礁骨架形成的生化过程

    13-06-07 Rutgers scientists have described for the first time the biological process of how corals create their skeletons -- destined to become limestones(石灰岩) -- which form massive and ecologically vital coral reefs in the world's oceans. In a publicat...

  • 细菌生长如何应对温度变化

    13-06-07 Bioengineers at the University of California, San Diego have developed a computational model of 1,366 genes in E. coli that includes 3D protein structures and has enabled them to compute the temperature sensitivity of the bacterium's proteins. The s...

  • 药物的副作用不可避免

    13-05-21 A new study of both computer-created and natural proteins suggests that the number of unique pockets -- sites where small molecule pharmaceutical compounds can bind to proteins -- is surprisingly small, meaning drug side effects may be impossible to...

  • 细菌粘膜的秘密

    13-04-15 Newcastle University scientists have revealed the mechanism that causes a slime(黏液,烂泥) to form, making bacteria hard to shift and resistant to antibiotics. When under threat, some bacteria can shield themselves in a slimy(黏滑的) protective...

  • 新技术使癌症早期诊断成为可能

    12-12-18 Finding ways to diagnose cancer earlier could greatly improve the chances of survival for many patients. One way to do this is to look for specific proteins secreted(分泌) by cancer cells, which circulate in the bloodstream. However, the quantity...

  • 八目鳗类鱼粘液可用于提取天然纤维

    12-11-29 Nylon, Kevlar and other synthetic fabrics: Step aside. If new scientific research pans out(成功) , people may be sporting shirts, blouses(女衬衫) and other garments made from fibers modeled after those in the icky, super-strong slime from a crea...

  • 细胞内脂肪具有抗菌性

    12-11-14 UC Irvine biologists have discovered that fats within cells store a class of proteins with potent antibacterial activity, revealing a previously unknown type of immune system response that targets and kills bacterial infections. Steven Gross, UCI pr...

  • 臭氧影响大豆产量

    12-10-31 People tend to think of ozone as something in the upper atmosphere that protects Earth's surface from UV radiation. At the ground level, however, ozone is a pollutant that damages crops, particularly soybean. Lisa Ainsworth, a University of Illinois...