• 德国公司招聘全职“妓女测评师”

    15-04-10 A social media company catering to Germany's adult industry is creating a new position -- a sexual position. 一迎合德国成人产业的社交网络公司新创出一个职位跟性相关的职位。 Kaufmich.com -- which means buy me in German -- has just announced it is hiri...

  • 黑人女星街头亲吻丈夫 被误认妓女

    14-09-21 一名好莱坞黑人女星因亲吻自己的白人丈夫被误认为妓女而被警察扣上手铐带走。曾在奥斯卡获奖电影《被解救的姜戈》中饰演女黑奴可可的丹尼尔沃茨9月2日将这条消息上传到自己的Facebook页面上,并写道她在被扣上手铐时胳膊都被割破了。 A Django Unchained actress is cl...

  • 不少日本妇女暗地里卖淫

    14-08-29 In the 1967 film Belle de Jour, French actress Catherine Deneuve plays a beautiful housewife who works as a prostitute while her husband is at work. If weekly tabloid Shukan Post (Aug. 15-22) is to be believed, women in Japan are following Deneuve's...
