• 尿检可预测患前列腺癌风险

    11-08-04 A new urine test can help aid early detection of and treatment decisions about prostate cancer, a study from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Michigan Center for Translational Pathology finds. The test supplements an el...

  • 患前列腺癌的烟民死亡率高

    11-06-22 Men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer and who are also smokers have an associated increased risk of all-cause, cardiovascular(心血管的) and prostate cancer-specific death, according to a study in the June 22/29 issue of JAMA. These patients a...

  • 对乙酰氨基酚能降低患前列腺癌危险

    11-05-24 A new study from American Cancer Society researchers finds use of 30 tablets a month or more of acetaminophen(对乙酰氨基酚) for five or more years was associated with an estimated 38% lower risk of prostate cancer. The study appears in Cancer Epid...

  • 他汀类药物有效可降低前列腺癌复发率

    10-06-29 Men who use statins(他汀类药物) to lower their cholesterol(胆固醇) are 30 percent less likely to see their prostate(前列腺) cancer come back after surgery compared to men who do not use the drugs, according to researchers at Duke University Me...

  • 不育男性更容易患前列腺癌

    10-03-22 Infertile men may have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer, US data suggests. 美国统计数据显示,不育男性患前列腺癌的风险更高。 Studies on fatherhood and prostate cancer have produced mixed results Researchers looked at the cancer records of...

  • 作曲家Webber被诊断患前列腺癌

    09-10-26 Composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, 61, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, it has been disclosed. 有消息称,61岁的作曲家Andrew Lloyd Webber经诊断患有前列腺癌。 Lloyd Webber wrote the UK's 2009 Eurovision Song Contest entry His spokesman said in a st...

  • Prostate screening under scrutiny 前列腺癌定期检查,作用值得

    09-09-25 Routine screening for prostate cancer has come under further scrutiny after two studies concluded it may do more harm than good. 前列腺癌定期检查经过两项进一步研究认为可能弊大于利。 Prostate cancer is a major killer European researchers found the cu...

  • Killer prostate cancer test hope 恶性前列腺癌或被预先诊断

    09-09-24 Scientists have discovered a protein that predicts survival from prostate cancer at diagnosis. 科学家发现一种蛋白质,可以在诊断中预测能否躲过前列腺癌。 There are different forms of prostate cancer A University of Liverpool team found the presence of...

  • Stem cell link to prostate cancer 前列腺癌发病可能与某干细胞

    09-09-10 A newly identified type of stem cell may cause some cases of prostate cancer, research on mice suggests. 对老鼠的研究显示,一种新被发现的干细胞可能引起前列腺癌。 Prostate epithelial stem cells (green) may trigger cancer The cells, found among those...

  • Virus linked to prostate tumours 前列腺癌相关病毒被发现

    09-09-09 Scientists have produced compelling evidence that a virus known to cause cancer in animals is linked to prostate cancer in humans. 科学家发现强有力的证据证明一种导致动物患癌症的病毒与人类的前列腺癌有关。 Prostate cancer is a major killer The researc...