• 美国八岁男孩开发出布莱叶盲文打印机

    15-02-13 In Silicon Valley, it's never too early to become an entrepreneur. Just ask 13-year-old Shubham Banerjee. 在硅谷,何时成为一个企业家都不嫌早。看看这个13岁的男孩舒布哈姆班纳吉就知道了。 The California eighth-grader has launched a company to develop l...

  • 基因组序列工程易出现跨物种污染

    14-11-19 As genome sequencing has gotten faster and cheaper, the pace of whole-genome sequencing has accelerated, dramatically increasing the number of genomes deposited in public archives. Although these genomes are a valuable resource, problems can arise w...

  • 泡泡穹顶对付雾霾

    14-05-30 On most days, a thick blanket of poisonous smog hovers over Beijing. But one day, China's capital could be dotted with domes filled with clean air. 大多数时间,北京都笼罩在厚厚的有毒雾霾之下。不过,也许从某天起,北京将到处点缀着充满清洁空气的穹顶。...

  • SURA公布数据管理试验结果

    14-01-09 After 11 months of review, SURA announced the findings of a collaborative project to explore the capabilities of an open source application that assists with publishing, referencing, extracting and analyzing research data; the Dataverse Network. Thi...

  • 曼德拉生平迷你短片筹备拍摄中

    12-01-10 A mini-series based on the life of Nelson Mandela is in the pipeline, with producers including the former South African president's grandson. 关于纳尔逊曼德拉生平的一部迷你短片正在筹备过程中,这位前南非总统的外孙也在制作人队伍中。 Writers attached t...

  • water release 放水量

    11-12-27 The Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest hydroelectric project, has started to increase its water release to ease severe drought plaguing downstream rice-growing areas on Friday. 世界上最大水电工程三峡大坝上周五开始加大下泄流量,以缓解下游水稻耕种...

  • “城市操作系统”亮相M2M交流大会

    11-10-15 近期在荷兰鹿特丹举行的M2M交流大会上,葡萄牙科技公司Living Plan IT展示了高智能化的城市操作系统。据悉,城市操作系统是第一个能够应对和管理城市500亿个设备所产生的庞大数据的智能系统。其操作原理类似苹果公司产品的操作系统,是一个可以迅速安装和运行各种应用...

  • 巴黎将利用地铁乘客身体热量供暖

    10-09-11 法国巴黎最大的公共住房项目近日宣布将利用地铁中乘客身体释放出来的热量为市中心的一个公共住房项目供暖。 The warmth generated by human bodies in the Parisian metro will help heat a public housing project in the city center, the capital's largest owner o...

  • 交通运输词汇

    10-07-20 高速铁路 high-speed rail 动车 bullet train 公交专用车道 bus lane 长安街整修 face-lift 轻轨列车 light rail train 隧桥 tunnel-bridge 舟山连岛工程 Zhoushan Island-Land Project (机动车)单双号限行 odd-and-even license plate rule 低噪音地铁 low-noise su...

  • 豆腐渣工程 jerry-built project

    09-10-17 近年来,各式各样的豆腐渣工程、半拉子工程,甚至借口搭车、巧立名目的形象工程、政绩工程并不鲜见。中央政府实施大规模经济刺激计划后,各地项目纷纷上马。为了从源头上防止出现重复建设和低水平投资等问题,政府有关部门已经发布通知,采取了一系列监管措施。 请看新...