• 中国节目主持因操纵市场被重罚

    18-05-08 A Chinese securities TV program host has been fined 86.2 million yuan (13.56 million U.S. dollars) by the countrys top securities watchdog for market manipulation. 中国一位证券电视节目主持人因操纵市场被证监委罚款8620万元人民币(1356万美元)。 Liao Y...

  • 打字风格与情绪

    14-10-21 A computer programme has been used to predict how people are feeling when they type. 一款计算机程序可以预测出人们打字时的情绪。 In a study participants were asked to type a particular phrase and the programme then estimated if they were happy, sad a...

  • 美国部分实体店“监视追踪”顾客行迹

    13-07-19 为了与各类网络零售商抗衡,美国一些实体商店也加入监视追踪大军,开始通过顾客的手机和能够识别顾客面部表情的摄像头追踪顾客在店内的行迹、观察顾客的情绪,当然是在未经顾客同意的情况下。 Add retailers to the list of groups tracking the movements and habits...

  • 纽约启动自行车共享方案

    13-05-28 New York City has launched the first phase of its bike-share programme 10 months after it was scheduled to start. 纽约城启动自行车分享项目第一期,该项目距计划启动日期已有10个月之久。 The scheme placed 6,000 bikes at 333 stations in the boroughs(区...

  • 首轮伊朗核会谈“具有建设性”

    12-04-15 The first discussions between Iran and six world powers on Tehran's nuclear programme have ended on a positive note, Western officials have said. 西方官员称,伊朗与六大世界强国之间关于德黑兰核计划的首轮会谈在有积极意义的消息中结束。 But some diploma...

  • 西蒙·考威尔将离开《美国偶像》

    10-01-13 American Idol judge Simon Cowell has confirmed he will leave the programme at the end of this season as he takes British show The X Factor to Fox TV. 《美国偶像》节目嘉宾西蒙考威尔证实,自己将会在本赛季末离开此节目,因为他将担任福克斯电视台英国节目...
