• 中国将改善基本公共医疗服务

    19-05-27 China has stepped up efforts to improve its basic public healthcare service program to better safeguard peoples health, according to the National Health Commission (NHC). 国家卫计委表示,中国已在基本公共医疗服务项目上加大力度以更好地保障人民的健康。...

  • 一对大熊猫将前往丹麦进行15年合作研究

    19-04-04 A pair of giant pandas will leave for Copenhagen, Denmark for collaborative research. 一对大熊猫将启程前往丹麦哥本哈根,开展合作研究。 Male Xing Er, a 5-year-old, and female Mao Er, a 4-year-old, will leave Chengdu at 7:30 a.m. Thursday morning and...

  • 亚洲最深科学钻井在黑龙江完成

    18-05-28 A scientific drilling program in northeast Chinas Heilongjiang Province, called the Songke Second Drilling Well, has just completed an exercise that successfully reached 7,018 meters underground, reports Peoples Daily. 《人民日报》报道,黑龙江省一处...

  • 武汉共享单车项目将停止

    17-11-20 The public bicycle program will be stopped in Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province, on November 25, 2017, Wuhanhuantou public bicycle company announced Friday. 武汉环投公共自行车服务有限公司周五宣布,将于11月25停止在武汉的共享单车项目。 The move is rega...

  • 伊朗不会放弃防御导弹项目

    17-08-21 Iranian authorities say the country will continue its defensive missile program. 伊朗当局表示,伊朗将继续进行其防御导弹项目。 Irans newly-appointed Defense Minister, Amir Hatami, reportedly made the remarks on the sidelines of the first cabinet meet...

  • guest host 嘉宾主持

    15-07-13 Guests of TV programs will no longer be allowed to be employed as presenters, according to a circular issued by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television. 国家新闻出版广电总局日前下发通知,电视节目的嘉宾不得行使主持...

  • parent and child program 亲子节目

    15-06-29 A Xinhua article points out that the parent and child programs , such as Dad! Where Are We Going? and Dad is Back posed a negative influence on parents, who intend to seek quick success and instant benefits. 新华社发文指出,类似《爸爸去哪儿》、《爸...

  • Immigrant Investor Program 投资移民计划

    14-04-28 Controversy arose after the Canadian government announced plans last week to terminate the federal Immigrant Investor Program and Federal Entrepreneur Program. 加拿大政府上周宣布停止联邦投资移民和企业家移民项目后引发了一系列争议。 加拿大政府日前推出...

  • Hate-watching 批评式观看

    13-08-07 Hate-watching (also often appearing as hatewatching) is the activity of regularly watching a television program which you think is extremely bad, and doing so specifically because you have the intention of criticizing it, from which in turn you deri...

  • 外挂 cheating program

    09-08-30 经常会听到有人说外挂如何如何,感觉像是个常见的电脑术语,似乎很多人在用,但是从来都不是清楚地知道这两个字真正代表的是什么。今天,咱们就用双语把这俩字好好研究研究。 Cheating programs are designed to help players skip some tough or tedious steps in an...