• Mansfield Park - Chapter 16

    21-05-06 It was not in Miss Crawfords power to talk Fanny into any real forgetfulness of what had passed. When the evening was over, she went to bed full of it, her nerves still agitated by the shock of such an attack from her cousin Tom, so public and so pe...

  • 社交媒体用语

    20-12-05 1. I _______ my social media profile every month. a) chat b) hide c) update d) like 2. I love _______ my favourite songs on Weibo. a) hiding b) chatting c) trolling d) sharing 3. My new profile photo got 56 _______. Thats more than I expected! a) li...

  • profile photo 头像

    20-10-10 看到头像两个字,很多小伙伴可能立马就想到用head photo或者head picture来表达。 但是,我们所说的头像其实是我们在社交网络上的虚拟形象,并不是我们头这个部位的特写图片或者照片。 使用微信英文版的小伙伴就会发现,微信采用了profile photo这个表达来表示头像。...

  • 《碟中谍5:神秘国度》精彩词句

    17-06-12 1. London terminal is compromised. 伦敦终端机被破坏了。 2. Lets cut the bull. 少跟我胡说八道。 3. Leveling an accusation actually. 事实上提出了指控。 4. Tell me what you make of them. 告诉我你看出了什么。 5. Hes taken up scrap booking? 他开始对拼贴...

  • 头像照片隐藏着你的性格线索

    16-05-31 Is your profile photo bright and cheery, or is it a brooding work of social media art? 你的头像照片明亮愉快吗?抑或是社交媒体艺术孕育的成果? According to a new study, these distinctions contain key clues about your personality and can reveal whethe...

  • perfume profiling 香水配对

    15-12-28 A service increasingly popular with boutiques, perfume profiling is designed to help clients discover the right fragrance for them. 香水配对是精品店里日益红火的一项服务,旨在帮助客人发现合适的香水。 Corny as it sounds, finding the right scent can be...

  • 伦敦女子为解封脸书账户改名字

    15-07-20 A woman has told how she has been forced to change her name by deed poll to match her ridiculous Facebook pseudonym after being locked out of her account. 一名女子讲述了为解封脸书账户,她不得不通过单务契约将自己的真实姓名改成当年注册的雷人用户名的遭...

  • 《超能陆战队》精彩语句

    15-05-27 Wow. Washed up at 14. So sad. 哇哦,刚刚14岁就江郎才尽了,太悲哀了。 But you should know, Mr.Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is. 但是你应该知道,格利先生取得今天的成绩是因为惯于投机取巧,无视可靠的科学。 The guy's too...

  • 新型自动售货机 看脸下货

    14-12-19 A new vending machine uses facial recognition technology to deny would-be snackers from buying certain foods that don't fit their personal profile. 一台新型的自动售货机通过面部识别技术,拒绝向吃零食的人贩卖不符合他们个人健康状况的食物。 The Luce X2...

  • low-profile women 暗香型女性

    14-11-11 Some female office workers are popular with colleagues, earning their superiors' trust more easily because they keep a low profile though they are professionally sophisticated and tastefully polished, in sharp contrast to their flamboyant peers. 古...