• champagne problems 香槟问题

    13-09-02 Champagne problems are problems of the rich and famous that we would all be so lucky to have, having to decide between two completely awesome things that both lead to an ideal outcome, and not technically a real problem at all. (Source: macmillandic...

  • 人可以在无意识状态下解决数学问题

    12-11-15 Can we actually read words and phrases and solve multi-step mathematical problems without our having consciously been aware of them? A team in the Psychology Department at the Hebrew University has conducted a series of experiments that give a posit...

  • 超级计算:纯数学的计算之路

    12-11-07 A world-famous mathematician responsible for solving one of the subject's most challenging problems has published his latest work as a University of Leicester research report. This follows the visit that famed mathematician Yuri Matiyasevich made to...

  • 音乐家极少遭遇听力问题

    11-09-14 A study led by Canadian researchers has found the first evidence that lifelong musicians experience less age-related hearing problems than non-musicians. While hearing studies have already shown that trained musicians have highly developed auditory...
