• 《近乎正常》获普利策戏剧奖

    10-04-14 A Broadway musical chronicling a woman's struggle with mental illness has won the Pulitzer Prize for drama. 一部描述某妇女与精神疾病作斗争的百老汇音乐剧《近乎正常》获得普利策戏剧奖。 Next To Normal deals with an ordinary family coping with mental il...

  • 俄罗斯数学天才佩雷尔曼面临非自愿获奖的压力

    10-03-25 Russian maths genius Grigory Perelman, who declined a prestigious international award four years ago, is under new pressure to accept a prize. 俄罗斯数学天才格里高利佩雷尔曼,四年前曾拒绝过一个有声望的国际奖项,目前又面临再次接受一项奖金的压力。 The...

  • 杰克逊获四项身后音乐奖

    09-11-24 Michael Jackson has made history by winning four posthumous prizes at the American Music Awards. Michael Jackson在全美音乐奖上创历史得获得四项身后奖项。 Jermaine Jackson collected his brother Michael\'s four posthumous awards The wins made Jackson,...

  • 法国文学奖出现里程碑事件

    09-11-03 Marie NDiaye has become the first black woman to win France's leading literary prize, the Goncourt. Marie NDiaye成为获得法国主流文学奖龚古尔文学奖的第一位黑人妇女。 NDiaye said she was pleased to be a female winner of the award The 42-year-old was h...

  • 日本首相夫人获“牛仔裤达人奖”

    09-10-31 日本首相鸠山由纪夫的夫人鸠山幸近日获得了由日本牛仔裤协会颁发的牛仔裤达人奖,颁奖方称鸠山夫人把牛仔裤穿出得很优雅,而且还带点新潮的感觉。在颁奖现场,鸠山夫人表示,这是她一直很向往获得的奖项,并称自己很喜欢穿牛仔裤,而且还鼓励丈夫平时多穿牛仔裤。在此...

  • 诺贝尔经济学奖首位女性得主诞生

    09-10-17 北京时间10月12日,瑞典皇家科学院公布,美国经济学家艾利诺奥斯特罗姆和奥利弗E威廉姆森获得2009年诺贝尔经济学奖,以表彰他们对经济管理行为的卓越分析,尤其是奥斯特罗姆对公共经济管理行为的贡献和威廉姆森对企业边界经济管理的分析。这是今年最后揭幕的诺贝尔奖,...

  • 2009“搞怪诺贝尔”精彩出炉

    09-10-17 2009年的搞怪诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼10月1日在哈佛大学举行,真正的诺贝尔奖获得者到场颁奖。搞怪诺贝尔奖是由科学幽默杂志《不可能研究年鉴》创立的,今年已经是第19届了。今年获奖的另类科学研究包括:可以迅速改装为防毒面罩的胸罩、有名字的奶牛比未起名的奶牛产奶量高、...

  • Nobel Prize for chemistry of life 2009年诺贝尔化学奖结果揭晓

    09-10-09 The 2009 chemistry Nobel Prize has been awarded to Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas Steitz and Ada Yonath. 2009年度诺贝尔化学奖被授予Venkatraman Ramakrishnan、Thomas Steitz和Ada Yonath。 The prize will be shared equally between the three winners The...

  • Mueller wins Nobel literary prize 德国Mueller荣获09年度诺贝

    09-10-09 German author Herta Mueller has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature, the academy in Stockholm has announced. 斯德哥尔摩诺贝尔学会告知,德国作家Herta Mueller获得2009年度诺本儿文学奖。 Herta Mueller's win is announced The Romanian-born wr...

  • Speech Debelle wins Mercury Prize 英国歌手Speech Debelle获水

    09-09-09 Rising hip-hop star Speech Debelle has won the prestigious Mercury Music Prize for the best British album of the year. 人气直上的嘻哈乐明星Speech Debelle因本年度英国最畅销专辑获得极有名望的水星音乐奖。 La Roux performed their number two single In Fo...